The end of term is galloping towards us now, so we made sure to make the most of the penultimate week. There are more photos and information about all events on the class blog pages, but the most important thing we need to do is to say a big THANK YOU and GOOD LUCK to Miss Chalcraft who had her last teaching day on Friday. We wish Miss Chalcraft and her family every happiness and success in their new lives in El Salvador. Mrs Culverhouse gathered some lovely memories and made them into a video which we showed Miss Chalcraft in assembly on Friday. You can view the video, which showcases some of the wonderful things Miss Chalcraft has done for and with us during her time at South Tawton, by clicking this link. Heat warningsAs you may be aware, we are expecting very high temperatures next week and we would like to ensure your child is protected from the heat whilst at school. Before School
During School:
Outstanding PaymentsPlease could all parents check their School Gateway accounts and pay off outstanding debts before the end of term? Breakfast Club Cancellations Please be aware that we can only refund breakfast club sessions when they are cancelled by 4pm a day in advance of the session. We cannot refund any sessions cancelled on the day as staffing, resources and provisions are put in place based on recorded bookings when the school office closes on the previous day. Year 1 and 2's Trip on the Train to the SeasideYear 2 have had a wonderful Wild Week of activities and this culminated in a wonderful trip to Exmouth with Year 1 on Friday. We'd like to say a huge thank you to Mike and Rebecca from The Devon and Cornwall Rail Partnership and Great Western Railway for facilitating the travel for us and allowing us all the children and staff to travel for free! I was so delighted and proud to receive the email below from a member of the public who was on the train at the same time as our classes: Dear Sarah, We travelled from Okehampton to Exeter by train on Friday. A group of your children were on our journey both on the outward and return trips. I just wanted to say how well organised and well behaved they were. It was a pleasure to see them all so happy and on an outing, presumably to the beach. Best wishes Year 2 at The Eden ProjectAs part of their Wild Week, Year 2 also visited the Eden Project where they met a real-life gardener who happens to be a South Tawton Primary School alumnus (and a Marvin!). A message from Susanne KiffDear Parents and Carers, I hope you are well and looking forward to a well-deserved break over the summer holidays. I am hugely proud of the year each and every one of our schools has had and would like to thank you for your ongoing support, which has proven vital in supporting our staff and students throughout. I am writing to you today to inform you of a change to the cost of the meals which are available to our students. Due to ongoing economic instability and rising production costs, the price of meals will rise from £2.34 to £2.41 per pupil from the start of the next Academic Year in September. (This will not affect children in receipt of Free Schools Meals or Universal Infant free school meals in Years R, 1 and 2) As a Trust, we have always been firmly committed to providing our students with healthy, nutritious meals, but this has unfortunately become impossible at the current cost. We entirely appreciate that the current economic climate is difficult for many families. As such, we understand this may cause difficulties for you and your families and would encourage you to discuss this – in confidence – with your class teacher in the first instance if you are concerned. This is not a decision we have taken lightly, but I hope you can appreciate it is something which is largely out of our hands given the ongoing economic difficulties being faced by everyone. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, and I look forward to seeing you all again come September. Kind Regards, Susanne Kiff Deputy Trust Leader, Dartmoor Multi-Academy Trust Sports' DayAs Year 2 have been out on adventures for most of the week, we haven't yet released the KS1 Sports' Day results. However, as the photo above shows, the KS2 event was won by the Yellow Team. Well done to everyone who took past and made it such a lovely day. Change to menu for Friday 22nd JulyOn Friday, the menu will change to the following choices: Main - Burgers, chips and baked beans Vegetarian - Veggi Burgers, chips and beans Sandwiches - Cheese, tuna or ham Jacket potato : baked beans and cheese Followed by fruit If you would like to change the booking for your child, please contact the school office. Upcoming Events19/07/2022 - Y5/6 Performance 4pm 20/07/2022 - Y5/6 Performance 2pm and 6pm 22/07/2022 - Y6 Leavers' Assembly 22/07/2022 - Last Day of Term THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS 05/09/22 - Non Pupil Day 06/09/22 - Non Pupil Day 07/09/22 - First day of the Autumn Term PTA NewsWe hope you all had a wonderful time at the summer fair last Friday, we couldn't have had better weather. We want to say a HUGE thank you to all the fantastic people who helped make it happen! To the incredible pupils and parents of South Tawton your generosity and efforts made Friday a great success. From helping plan the event, to supporting us with donations and raffle prizes to lugging tables and running stalls. Thank you all! To Year 6 and Mrs Donovan and her family for putting some brilliant games together, thank you! To Mrs Everett for a thrilling egg toss! To Men in Sheds for their wonderful bbqs, awnings and games. There are too many incredible PTA volunteers, parents and teachers, to mention by name! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your burger flipping, raffle ticket selling, tombola turning, nail painting, plant growing, cake baking, book and toy sorting, money counting, glitter painting, drink selling, brilliance!!! It simply wouldn't have happened without you. The fair raised a staggering £1543! ....and if you had fun at the fair here's an exciting date for your diary.... Friday 23rd September Barn Dance @ the Victory Hall, bar, food and dancing. More information coming soon! PTA 100 club
June's 100 club draw was done with Year 3 last week and the winners were: 41 Emma Mills 10 Emma Vann Jones 49 Gemma Willcocks Congratulations! There is one more draw left for this school keep your fingers crossed! Comments are closed.
March 2024
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