KS1 Theatre Visit What a super day KS1 had visiting the Northcott Theatre to see Fantastically Great Women Who Changed The World! In addition to looking forward to the show, the children were so excited to ride on the coach; for some children it was their first ever coach journey. The musical was brilliant and it has been lovely to hear the children singing some of the songs in school this week. Even an unexpected breakdown didn’t dampen the children's spirits and the fun continued outside of the theatre in the sunshine! The children's behaviour throughout was exemplary - so much so that teachers from other schools complimented them on this. Well done, KS1! Y4/5 Residential VisitThe children from years 4 and 5 had an incredible three days and two nights at PGL Barton Hall. Staff report that the children were amazing. They tried new activities, pushed themselves out of their comfort zones and learnt new skills. They also worked together well as teams to face and overcome challenges. We hope that all the children enjoyed their residential as much as the staff did. Congratulations Year 6A huge well done to Y6 who completed their SATs week cheerfully and calmly. After a week of hard work, they celebrated on Friday with a day at Okehampton YHA where they took part in a variety of adventurous activities. They rounded off the day with a lovely evening BBQ back at school. Over the next term, the Y6 pupils will now be concentrating on becoming the best writers they can be, putting on an end of year performance and looking forward to their Jersey residential at the end of June. Birthday SweetsBefore Covid happened, we encouraged children who wished to give out sweets to their classmates on their birthdays to bring in home baking instead. We are now seeing an increase in children bringing in sweets again. For reasons of both healthy eating and limiting single use plastics, we will no longer be allowing sweets to be distributed. If you would like your child to bring in something for their classmates, please consider a healthy baked snack instead. Please do not feel obliged to have to provide anything. School Meal ChangeThursday 19th May is Census day. We really would like to encourage the children to take part in this and have a school meal, so we will be changing the menu to a Census Celebration menu. Please book as usual through school gateway and contact the office if you would like to change an existing menu choice for that day. Census Day Celebration Menu Main: Cheese Burger Veggi : Veggi Burger Sandwiches :Cheese , Ham or Tuna Mayo All the above will be served with Chips, Beans and Tomato Ketchup Dessert : Celebration Rainbow cake There will be no Jacket Potatoes on this day. University of Exeter Primary Enrichment ProgrammeWelcome to the Primary Enrichment’s new programme of events, which commences on the 6th June – just 3 weeks away! Our apologies for the delay in releasing our summer brochure; we have been busy recruiting new tutors and planning some brand new workshops. From Macbeth to global dance, from genetics to Minecraft, we hope we have something for everyone! The full programme of workshops can be found here. Amongst our new tutors I’m delighted to introduce esteemed local artist and teacher, Liese Webley, whose colourful abstract paintings are inspired by nature. Come and enjoy a wonderful day of printmaking or portraiture, where the use of vibrant colour will be central to the day. Music finally makes its debut, with the brilliant Meg Dowling. I am so excited to see her workshop in action – it promises to be a hands-on day filled with fun and exploration. For the mathematicians amongst you, I am pleased to say we have three workshops on offer this term – from Fibonacci to Tangrams. Emma and Claire are both highly experienced teachers, from local Exeter schools. Courses are now available to book via the online store (this can also be accessed via our homepage). All workshops are £35 each, apart from our after-school book club which is £45. Pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium funding are entitled to two free places per term, fully funded by the university. You will need an access code before you are able to checkout so please email us at [email protected]. If you would like your child to attend one of these courses, please book on following the links above. You will be responsible for transporting your children to and from the event. Please fill in a Request for Absence form to cover any days which your child will not be in school and attach the booking confirmation to this. This absence will then be authorised. PTA NewsDates to remember: Our next meeting is this Monday 16th May at 8pm via teams. If you would like to join us and don't already receive the teams link please email us at [email protected] Red, White And Blue Day Friday 27th May Celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee by coming to school on Friday 27th May dressed in patriotic colours – red, white and blue. Instead of raising money, we would love it if you could bring in donations that we can use for Summer Fair for the raffle or tombola. Please can Key Stage 1 bring in smellies and Key Stage 2 bring in bottles. Summer Fair Friday 8th July straight after school. A huge well done to Year 6 for completing their SATs this week. We were delighted to fund breakfast each morning to keep any tummies from rumbling during such a busy week!
South Zeal ScoutsJOIN THE ADVENTURE! 1st South Zeal are looking for more leaders to join our team to help us to deliver scouting in our community. We’ve had a surge of interest and new joiners since lockdown and need more adult help in all our sections – Beavers, Cubs and Scouts Please get in touch if you’d like to be part of the team – there are lots of ways you can help. BEAVER SPACES AVAILABLE! For young people aged between 6 and 8 years old. With the older Beavers having moved up to Cubs we have spaces available for new Beavers to join. Please contact us to find out more [email protected] SEND 0-25 Ofsted InspectionThe Devon SEND 0-25 team have received a call from Ofsted informing them that they will be conducting a re-inspection of the SEND provision on 23rd - 25th May 2022. The re-visit will be led by an Ofsted HMI who will be accompanied by a CQC inspector. As part of the inspection a survey needs to be circulated to parents and we have been asked to share the survey link with parents of children who have special educational needs. https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/DevonCountyCouncilRe-visitLASEND/ The survey will open at 12 noon on Monday 16 May 2022 and close at 12 noon on Friday 20 May 2022. ![]() Cricket CampsCricket camps are a lot of fun and sell out quickly.
Qualified and experienced coaches deliver 5 hours of cricket related fun and games. Hard balls camps include Bola machines, speed guns and match scenario challenges. Suitable for all who consider themselves able to participate in this environment. Groups split by ability to ensure all are safe and engaged. Soft ball camps are perfect for those new to cricket or enjoying All Stars or Dynamos at their clubs. June 3, Friday Registration from 11.40 Camp runs from 12.00 - 5.00 Tavistock CC Hard ball July 25, Monday Registration from 11.40 Camp runs from 12.00 - 5.00 Tavistock CC Soft ball August 5, Friday Registration from 10.00 Camp runs from 10.30.- 3.30 Tavistock CC Hard ball August 8, Monday Registration from 11.40 Camp runs from 12.00 - 5.00 Tavistock CC Soft ball August 19, Friday Registration from 10.00 Camp runs from 10.30.- 3.30 Tavistock CC Hard ball August 22, Monday Registration from 11.40 Camp runs from 12.00 - 5.00 Tavistock CC Soft ball August 25, Thursday Registration from 10.00 Camp runs from 10.30.- 3.30 Tavistock CC Hard ball To book your place please email [email protected] Best wishes Brenden brendenworthcricket.com Comments are closed.
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