Goodbye Year 6 I'm sure that you will all join me in wishing the very best to our Year 6 pupils as they move on to continue their education at secondary school. It hasn't been the end to their primary school days that any of us would have wanted, but we're delighted that we got the opportunity to see so many of them in school over the last few weeks. They have been a wonderful class and have all matured greatly in their journey through the school. We'll miss you Year 6 and wish you the very brightest and happiest of futures. As we were unable to have a leavers' assembly this year, Mrs Everett has worked through several technical hitches to compile a wonderful leavers' video for them. Thank you to all parents who have sent in photos and clips for this - it is absolutely lovely and can be viewed on the Year 6 blog or by clicking here. Good bye Mrs Peters and Miss Pearce The end of the school year also saw us having to say goodbye to two long-standing and highly valued staff members. We wish them all the best in their next adventures. They leave behind many, many happy memories of sporting successes, Harry Potter trips, amazing productions and a love of learning. good luck and stay in touch! Transition day It was wonderful to see so many of our pupils back in school on Tuesday for our Moving Up day. It was only a brief visit compared to the weeks they've been learning at home, but hopefully it settled any nerves, gave an opportunity to catch up with friends and got everyone looking forward to September. In September, we will be open full time to all year groups with each class forming its own 'bubble'. Start and finish times will be slightly staggered as will break and lunch times. We're hoping to be able to start up our breakfast club again which will operate with social distancing to enable children from different classes to attend at the same time. Each teacher will initially run one after school club for their own class to limit mixing between groups and any possible spread of the virus. More details for September will follow in late August. Masks I've had several enquiries about whether children and staff will be wearing masks in September. I have pasted below the current guidance from Public Health England: “Public Health England does not (based on current evidence) recommend the use of face coverings in schools. This evidence will be kept under review. They are not required in schools as pupils and staff are mixing in consistent groups, and because misuse may inadvertently increase the risk of transmission. There may also be negative effects on communication and thus education. Face coverings may be beneficial for short periods indoors where there is a risk of close social contact with people you do not usually meet and where social distancing and other measures cannot be maintained, for example on public transport or in shops.” Holiday Activities Please visit our blog post which is full of suggested activities for the holidays. Safeguarding If you have any concerns about children or families through the holidays, please email me: [email protected] or the Dartmoor MAT's safeguarding lead, Jane Lake: [email protected]. Alternatively, you can contact the Devin MASH team using the details in the photo. PTA News Hello everyone, I have carried out the last draw for this school year and the following people/numbers won:- 1st 26 Chloe Bennett 2nd 12 Jennifer Kennedy 3rd 11 Mark Neville As mentioned previously, I will email in September all winners of prizes won during lock down to confirm when their prizes are available for collection from the school office. Once again, many thanks to you all for your support of the 100 Club this year and have a happy summer holidays. Best wishes Mary MacMillan-Scott PTA Member
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