In year 4 we have been working incredibly hard to see out the end of the half term. In English, we have been writing our own mystery narratives based off the book we have been reading - The Iron Man. Thinking about using expanded noun phrases, similes and adding suspense. In maths, we have been learning about mixed numbers and improper fractions and how to convert them. Finally, in science we created our own shadow puppets and used torches to investigate the shadows our puppets created and how they changed depending on how we used the torches.
Our science topic for this half term is light. In our lesson this week, we conducted an experiment to see which materials are transparent, translucent or opaque using torches. In English, we produced some lovely 'missing posters' for the missing boy in our story 'the selfish giant', which will be on display outside of our classroom for all to see.
Since we have been back from the Christmas break Year 4 have been working super hard. In English we have been reading the Selfish Giant and have written a letter to ask him why he is being so selfish. In book club, we have been reading the Firework-maker's daughter, which includes a talking elephant, pirates who aren't really pirates and lots of loud and colourful fireworks. In history we have started our new topic - the Anglo Saxons.
In year 4 we have finally finished our Pavilions in DT. There are some very interesting designs and all of the children are super proud of their finished products. In book club we came to the end of Zombierella which had a surprising twist near the end. We also enjoyed our nugget treat this week, with board games, tablets and snacks. This week in year 4 we have been building our pavilions during our DT lessons and we are getting closer and closer our end products. It has taken lots of work, resilience and perseverance but it will all be worth it in the end. In maths we have been learning about length and perimeter, learning how to calculate the perimeter of rectilinear shapes and how to find the missing lengths.
stick in a nail and a coin, connect some wires and power a bulb. We were lucky enough to have Recycle Devon pay us a visit. We learnt all about batteries, including how they are made, the different things they power and how to correctly dispose of them. We all cooperated together in small teams to power a lightbulb using only an apple as our main source of power. In DT we have started to design our pavilion structures, thinking about what recyclable materials we can use and what the purpose of our pavilion is.
In our art lessons we have been practicing our Dragon Eye art and have started our final dragon eye. We have used different colours pastels to produce various magnificent pieces of artwork. Alongside this, in Science we conducted an experiment making oobleck. We mixed together cornflour, water and food colouring to make a substance which changes its state of matter. We also made quite a mess! I hope everyone has a lovely halfterm :)
This week we have been creating our own music experimenting with different motifs, pitches and rhythms. It was like being at the Royal Albert Hall. In science we conducted an experiment, measuring the temperature of different liquids, recording our data and then presenting our findings in bar charts.
This week during computer, we talked about how networks and routers work and we used the internet to access various websites and compare their content. We accessed bbc bitesize, then the school website and finally we googled our own name to see what we could find.
Over the last two weeks in Year 4 we have completed a wide variety of different lessons and activites. The children are very happy to be back and have been fully focused at working their hardest and maintaining high standards. The produced some excellent 3D hand art. Alongside this, they have thoroughly enjoyed their saints P.E sessions with Mr Wood and Mr S getting to grips of how to play handball. |
ABOUT USWelcome to the blog for Year 4 of South Tawton Primary School