CAMHS support during Covid-19 pandemic
Additional crisis support is being offered during the pandemic. If a child or young person (under 18) is experiencing a mental health crisis, you can now access Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) 24/7. Please contact 03300 245 321 form 8am-5pm, Mon to Fri or 0300 555 5000 outside these hours. Callers will speak to a call-handler, their call will be forwarded to a voicemail service and their message will be returned within one hour. There are three CAMHS crisis teams - Torbay and South Devon; Exeter, East and Mid Devon; and North Devon. Your call will be directed to the appropriate team. In the event of an emergency please call 999. General information about CAMHS services and referrals can be found on the Children and Family Health Devon website here A list of helpful resources, apps and organisations to support children, families and young people can be found here
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Hello Everyone,
I wanted to direct you to a few useful documents to support children's mental health and wellbeing during the strange times we are facing. The PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) Association have published home learning sessions which help you discuss feelings, emotions and mental health with your child. I would encourage you to look and follow the powerpoint of questions, they are self explanatory and age appropriate for our pupils. They are published on your child's class webpage. Here is an children's book which you can read online to explain about the Coronavirus: Here is a document which lists some lovely activities you can do to help your mental health, either on your own or as a family. Looking forward to seeing you all again but, in the meantime, stay safe and well in body and mind. Mrs Culverhouse Hi All
Please find the following updates attached Children and Families Health Devon -CAMHS Primary School Parent Pack Window walk of solidarity Space (youth service) Preventing Isolation of Young People PHN – School Nurses – SN Newsletter Please see attached brief newsletter to highlight access to SN service that can be shared with families. Like many services our access to referrals, and support for young people especially, has declined following schools closing to the majority of pupils and we have been trying to get information out via a variety of routes to enable young people and families to access the service directly as needed. We continue to provide advice and support via our locality hubs and chat health as well as continuing to work with young people and families through increased use of phone and online resources where appropriate to do so. Delayed Presentation for Medical Treatment Covid advice for Parents Best wishes Paula On behalf of Early Help Triage South Please click here for a parent pack full of ideas and contacts to help you support your children and families. Good afternoon,
ECI have put together a Tool kit of really helpful resources to support families. It offers advice, activities and resources to help family’s well-being throughout a period of self-isolation. There is also a leaflet giving information about Financial Support Resources to promote and support children and young people’s mental wellbeing include:
· MindEd educational resources for adults about children and young people’s mental health, which is relevant for parents and carers as well as volunteers, teachers, and other professionals working with children · the Every Mind Matters platform which supports looking after your own and other’s mental health · guidance on looking after wellbeing and mental health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak · guidance on supporting children’s wellbeing and mental health