The first week of the second half of the summer term has been unlike any other. As you can see from the photos, the school has been set up so that we can observe social distancing measures in all areas. School feels very quiet and we're looking forward to welcoming in more children from pre-school, reception and years 1 and 6 over the next week. If your child is in one of these groups and you would like them to attend school, please sign them up through school gateway as explained in my email earlier this week. The children in school are being taught in 8 'bubbles.' There are bubbles for pre-school, reception, 2 for year 1, 2 for year 6 and 2 for children of critical workers from years 2-5. The children within each bubble have their own room, staff and space on the playground and field. To minimise any spread of the virus, the bubbles do not mix with each other and all rooms and equipment are cleaned regularly throughout the day with a deeper clean at lunchtime and the end of every day. If your child is attending school, they need to bring in their own equipment and stationery as detailed in emails earlier this week. In short, please could they come in in school uniform, wearing or bringing shoes suitable for outdoor PE. They need a coat for inclement weather, sunhat, homelearning book, snack, packed lunch and water and a pencil case containing a pen, pencil, colouring pencils, ruler, rubber and sharpener. Home Learning With most staff now in school each day, we've had to make some changes to who is leading home learning. Mrs Culverhouse is now the lead for homelearning in pre-school, year R and year 4. Miss Rowe is leading in year 1 and 3, Miss Bennett in year 2 and Mrs Bonnett in years 5 and 6. Please do contact these teachers with any queries and to send in work and photos for the class blogs. Class zoom meetings will continue to take place. You might like to make use of this visual timetable (pictured above) to help to structure your day. Add your own times, or don’t add times at all and just go with the flow! Copy and paste the symbols, so that children can see the available activities to them during the day. Children can also take ownership of their own timetables and create their own. Please visit each of the class blog pages to see the lovely work and activities which pupils have undertaken at home this week. As the term progresses, we continue to take advice from the Department of Education and government and to respond to changes as they are introduced. South Tawton School PTA 100 Club - May Draw Results Mrs MacMillan-Scott carried out May's draw at home and the following people/numbers won. 1st 60 Pete Rose 2nd 79 Kirsty Loader 3rd 42 Fiona Passmore All winners will be notified separately with details of how to claim prizes. Rain Before Rainbows – a book to inspire hope from Walker Books & Save the Children. Walker Books has released Rain Before Rainbows by Smriti Halls and illustrated by David Litchfield as a free eBook to raise awareness for Save the Children’s Save with Stories campaign which is helping children most affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The rainbow has become an incredible symbol of hope and optimism during this time and we hope that this uplifting story can be a source of comfort and light to children and families, and that it inspires anyone who is able to do so, to donate to the Save with Stories campaign. The ebook can be accessed here
More Primary Resources Lots of ideas and resources from English Heritage; videos, virtual tours, podcasts and craft ideas to inspire and educate. Suitable for home or school this site asks children to imagine, design and write about solutions to real world problems, including a daily challenge and a newly released resource pack Mission: Protect Our Oceans. There is an option to upload your designs. For the second year running the Guardian has joined forces with the Football School series to organise a Young Sportswriter of the Year competition. This exciting contest is aimed at seven- to 12-year-olds. This is the link Litfilmfest. Some free projects and some subscription content such as daily videos on writing aimed at giving isolated learners a daily dose of literacy. Books and Authors Booklife have made 7 of their non-fiction titles free to download as pdfs. Covering science topics like space, seeds and human body. This is the link Dan Freedman’s Jamie Johnson; The Kick Off is available to read for free This is the link This book was made into a popular series on CBBC and would be on interest to Y7/8 too. AR level 4.9 Jon Klassen’s We Found a Hat has been turned into a puppet theatre production by The Little Angel Theatre Company This is the link The Ickabog by J K Rowling was written as a read-aloud book but it’s suitable for 7-9 year olds to read to themselves. J K Rowling is posting chapters every weekday between 26th May and 10th July and asking children to provide illustrations of the characters to be share on social media, there is a competition to illustrate the final published version. This is the link I realise that this is a very strange time for all our families. Some of you will be having concerns about coming back to school; others will feel somewhat abandoned because their year groups have not been invited back. Please do all keep in touch with us and your home learning teacher and let us know if you have any worries or questions. Have a lovely weekend.
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