Goodbye Year 6 I'm sure that you will all join me in wishing the very best to our Year 6 pupils as they move on to continue their education at secondary school. It hasn't been the end to their primary school days that any of us would have wanted, but we're delighted that we got the opportunity to see so many of them in school over the last few weeks. They have been a wonderful class and have all matured greatly in their journey through the school. We'll miss you Year 6 and wish you the very brightest and happiest of futures. As we were unable to have a leavers' assembly this year, Mrs Everett has worked through several technical hitches to compile a wonderful leavers' video for them. Thank you to all parents who have sent in photos and clips for this - it is absolutely lovely and can be viewed on the Year 6 blog or by clicking here. ![]() Good bye Mrs Peters and Miss Pearce The end of the school year also saw us having to say goodbye to two long-standing and highly valued staff members. We wish them all the best in their next adventures. They leave behind many, many happy memories of sporting successes, Harry Potter trips, amazing productions and a love of learning. good luck and stay in touch! Transition day It was wonderful to see so many of our pupils back in school on Tuesday for our Moving Up day. It was only a brief visit compared to the weeks they've been learning at home, but hopefully it settled any nerves, gave an opportunity to catch up with friends and got everyone looking forward to September. In September, we will be open full time to all year groups with each class forming its own 'bubble'. Start and finish times will be slightly staggered as will break and lunch times. We're hoping to be able to start up our breakfast club again which will operate with social distancing to enable children from different classes to attend at the same time. Each teacher will initially run one after school club for their own class to limit mixing between groups and any possible spread of the virus. More details for September will follow in late August. Masks I've had several enquiries about whether children and staff will be wearing masks in September. I have pasted below the current guidance from Public Health England: “Public Health England does not (based on current evidence) recommend the use of face coverings in schools. This evidence will be kept under review. They are not required in schools as pupils and staff are mixing in consistent groups, and because misuse may inadvertently increase the risk of transmission. There may also be negative effects on communication and thus education. Face coverings may be beneficial for short periods indoors where there is a risk of close social contact with people you do not usually meet and where social distancing and other measures cannot be maintained, for example on public transport or in shops.” Holiday Activities Please visit our blog post which is full of suggested activities for the holidays. ![]() Safeguarding If you have any concerns about children or families through the holidays, please email me: [email protected] or the Dartmoor MAT's safeguarding lead, Jane Lake: [email protected]. Alternatively, you can contact the Devin MASH team using the details in the photo. PTA News Hello everyone, I have carried out the last draw for this school year and the following people/numbers won:- 1st 26 Chloe Bennett 2nd 12 Jennifer Kennedy 3rd 11 Mark Neville As mentioned previously, I will email in September all winners of prizes won during lock down to confirm when their prizes are available for collection from the school office. Once again, many thanks to you all for your support of the 100 Club this year and have a happy summer holidays. Best wishes Mary MacMillan-Scott PTA Member
If you enjoyed home-learning and would to continue with some activities over the summer holiday, we've gathered some suggestions below. Please dip into these as and when you'd like to, while making sure that you still have a holiday and a good rest! We'd love you to bring any work you complete back with you in September so that we can display and celebrate it.
You can find the Year R 'Summer Holiday' themed topic web here. For KS2 we have an Engineering topic web which can be found here plus resources here We'd love all children to take part in the library Summer Reading Challenge. All of the books and the whole challenge is available online this year, or Devon libraries are now open and able to lend the books in the usual way. More information can be found here. Please let us know if you complete the challenge so that we can celebrate this in school in September. Maths Activities Links to 3 documents containing maths puzzles and problems can be found below: Year 1 and 2 Year 3 and 4 Year 5 and 6 Below, there are also a couple of suggested websites for the children to use if they want to. These problems are more suitable for KS2 and get more challenging the higher the level. The Book of Hope Completely free for all children and families, the extraordinary collection of short stories, poems, essays and pictures has contributions from more than 110 children’s writers and illustrators, including Lauren Child, Anthony Horowitz, Greg James and Chris Smith, Michael Morpurgo, Liz Pichon, Axel Scheffler, Francesca Simon and Jacqueline Wilson. The collection, published by Bloomsbury, is dedicated to the doctors, nurses, carers, porters, cleaners and everyone currently working in hospitals and can be found here. It would be lovely to create a display about this book for the re-opening of our refurbished and re-stocked library in September. For the display, I'd really like the children to create mood boards in response to one or more stories or poems from the book. Some guidance on how to create a mood board can be found here. Our Local Area We're so lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world. I'd love to create a display in September of the children's art work inspired by our local area, Dartmoor, wildlife, villages, houses etc. It would be great if everyone could have a go at producing a piece of art-work for this display and bring it with you when we return in September. You can revisit any of the content or lessons from the Oak National Academy, who have been providing video lessons and activities throughout the lock down. The Oak National Academy classroom can be found here. You can also search BBC Bitesize for lessons and activities on themes of your choice. This content can be found here. If you enjoy programming, have a go at Hour Of Code. There are tutorials and activities. The dance party one is particularly fun. Some other lovely ideas for things to do over the summer: National Literacy Trust- Free online resources: Where’s Wally activities: Big Butterfly Count 17th July- 9th August Devon Live have produced Sixty-four fabulous and free things to do with kids in Devon Western Morning News have produced 50 things to do with your kids. The image is very small, but you can zoom in to see each activity. The End of Term Draws Near It has been the strangest school year in the history of the school, but time rolls on and we only have two more days of the summer term left. We're looking forward to our Moving Up day on Tuesday 21st and to seeing you all again, albeit briefly, before the summer holidays begin. The teachers will be in school on Wednesday getting classrooms ready for September and the return of all pupils. In August, we will publish the risk assessments and other relevant documents for the re-opening of the school here on the school website. Please do check back and have a look at which measures will be in place to ensure a safe return for your children. In the meantime, please have a restful and safe summer holiday. Below, I have posted some photos of Hugo demonstrating how to relax! For those of you who haven't yet met Hugo, he'll be back in school for visits and hugs in September. Summer Holiday work After so many weeks of home-learning, some of you will be looking forward to a well-earned break from school work. For others having been at home for so long, the summer holidays will just seem like more of the same and you may be keen for some activities to complete. On Wednesday 22nd July, we will publish a list of activities and resources which you may like to get involved in over the break. These are by no means compulsory, but are merely provided for any families who wish to complete them or continue with home-learning.
Around School this week Take a look at Year R's Frog themed dance: Click here See how well year 6 have adapted to social distancing with their football rounders: Group 7 have been all about ladybird life cycles and Group 8 have studied life cycles of lots of different plants and animals. Great work from our pupils at home PTA news
PTA Crisp Packet Recycling Thank you to everyone who has brought in their used crisp packets this year. We have raised just under £60.00 so far and another box full of crisp packets was taken away for recycling on Monday. Please continue to save your crisp packets throughout the holiday and bring them into school at the start of the new term. PTA Pre-loved Uniform We have a good selection of uniform for sale on our PTA rail and items can be purchased for £1.00 each. We will put the rail outside on Tuesday 21st July during the school day for anyone who would like to make a purchase. PTA Cash for Coins Thank you to everyone who has donated foreign and old coins to the white bucket in the Admin Office. The coins have raised £181.00 so far this year. We are very grateful to the PTA for all of the support that they have given to the school throughout the year. Moving Up Day Tuesday 21st July On the last day of term, we are hoping to welcome all pupils into school to say goodbye to their old teachers and meet their new ones. Due to social distancing, we will be inviting half the class to come for the morning and the other half for the afternoon. More details of this will follow over the next week. Hopefully, the weather will be fine and many of the activities can take place outside. Attendance is not compulsory, but we would love to see the children and for them to catch up with their friends before the summer holiday. We feel that it is really important that all children have the opportunity to attend school on this day, which will mean that some children who are currently attending will only be able to come for a morning or an afternoon session. If you are a critical worker who has already booked your child into school that day and need cover for the whole day, then please let me know and we will arrange provision for them outside of their morning or afternoon session with the new teacher. Year 6 Leavers' Photo We are hugely grateful to Lucy Wilson who has somehow managed to produce this wonderful year 6 Leavers' photo. Although it looks as though the children were all together for the photo, it was actually taken in several socially distanced shots and then put together. Hopefully, it will be a lovely reminder for the children of their time in South Tawton. ![]() Thank you, Kate A big thank you to Kate who has been covering Design and Technology as part of her home learning this week. Kate had made and donated 10 lovely, colourful masks to the school staff. Amazing Art Reading Together Day Thursday 16th July Over 15 organisations across books, publishing and education sectors have collaborated to create a family friendly schedule of events for ‘Reading Together Day’ on July 16th to highlight the importance of reading together. For this week's round-up of books and activities from the library service, please click here. Volcanic Eruptions at home and in school Also have a look at this explosive video from Group 3 and this report on a local earthquake! Well-Being and Mental Health There are a couple of new posts on the Well-being blog which you may find helpful. More free resources to keep families active
More information for parents from Sustrans can be found here. Good afternoon
Dan at FISH Kids has asked that we share the attached with schools, with details of their holiday club at St James Primary, Okehampton. Some parents/carers who have already expressed their interest will have been contacted by FISH kids to ask them to book their place. We have been asked to further promote for people to book online by Friday this week so that FISH can get confirmed numbers and ensure viability of the programme. More information can be found here. July seems to have arrived already and we're hopeful that the weather will catch up with it by next week! With the social distancing measures easing to 1m+ from Monday, we will be looking forward to welcoming a few more pupils back to school. With increased numbers, it will be increasingly important that we minimise the number of people on the road outside school at any one time. Currently, some of the 8:45 - 9:00 arrivals are coming early and queuing on the road. To minimise the possibility of spreading the virus, please do not arrive before your allotted time slot. As previously, if you have children in different groups with different arrival times, you are welcome to bring them in at the earliest slot. If there are any more children in years 1 or 6 who have not returned to school and would now like to, please do get in touch. You will have noticed on the news that the intention is for all children to return to school in September. We are fully committed to making this happen and will be working on plans for whole year group bubbles to maximise safety. New CEO appointed for the Dartmoor Multi-Academy Trust Please click here to read an important letter from the trustees about the appointment of a new CEO. Joe Wicks Workouts How many of you have done Joe Wicks' workouts all through the lockdown? The pupils in group 8 must be pretty fit by now! Marvellous Mirabelle! South Tawton Lockdown Recipe Collection We're excited to announce that Miss Chalcraft has decided to collect recipes, poems and artwork to produce the first ever South Tawton recipe book! Please click here for more information. The Book of Hopes and other reading resources Completely free for all children and families, the extraordinary collection of short stories, poems, essays and pictures has contributions from more than 110 children’s writers and illustrators, including Lauren Child, Anthony Horowitz, Greg James and Chris Smith, Michael Morpurgo, Liz Pichon, Axel Scheffler, Francesca Simon and Jacqueline Wilson. It can be found here and is a great read for both adults and children. This week's round up of lovely ideas and suggestions from the library service can be found here. For those children who have read every book in the house and also for those reluctant readers who struggle to find a book they want to read, did you know that you can now join the Devon libraries completely online and borrow ebooks to read at home? To join Okehampton library click here. To find out more about the summer reading challenge and borrowing ebooks, click here. Volcanoes Year 6 have enjoyed a great couple of days creating volcanoes and then making them erupt this afternoon. They learnt about the chemical reaction between vinegar and sodium bicarbonate. It was great fun and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Round up of the week As ever, there are some lovely news and stories on the class blogs of what the children have done at home and in school this week. Please go to the blogs and have a look, but here are a few of my favourites: PTA 100 Club
A message from Mary Macmillan-Scott: Hello Everyone, Once again, I have carried out this month's draw at home. June's winners are as follows:- 1. 18 Dane Forester 2. 74 Ashley Rogers 3. 44 Neil Vernon As School wish to limit the number of people entering school grounds, it has been decided I will retain all the prizes won since lock down until school reopens in September. I will then hopefully be able to leave them at the school office for collection. I will, of course, send out a reminder to all winners at that time to remind them they have prizes to collect. If any of the winners do require their prizes before September, please email me. There is one more draw for this school year which will take place in the middle of July, before school breaks for the summer. I would therefore like to take the opportunity now, on behalf of the PTA, to thank you for being a member of our 100 Club this past year and to congratulate all of our winners. By the end of this school year, the 100 Club will have raised £445 for PTA funds and we will have given out £311 in prize money. The PTA hope to continue with the 100 Club next year. Usually at this time, we would be requesting subscriptions for next year and seeking new members to join the Club but obviously that is not currently possible. Hopefully, the PTA will be in touch early in September when the 100 Club is able to operate again. Kind regards Mary MacMillan-Scott Dear Parents, Carers and Staff,
Having seen so many great recipes being made into delicious dishes over the lockdown period, we thought it would be a 'soup-er' idea to make a South Tawton Lockdown Recipe Collection, with recipe pages interspersed with lockdown poetry and artwork. Recipes / Lockdown Poetry / Lockdown Art We would love you to contribute one or two tried and tested recipes please and then we can collate them into an Ebook or printed copy as a lockdown keepsake. If you have a piece of artwork or a poem, please send with a title and your first name/ surname initial. Please only one or two per family. Ebook or Printed Copy Ebook - £2.00 Printed Copy - TBC (depends on number of pages and number of books printed) If this is something you would like to have - please let me know. Details of payment via School gateway will follow in due course. Funds raised: What do you think? Open to ideas - school library funds, school general funds, commemorative personalised installation in the grounds - let us know. Format: Please send your contributions to me in either a word file, a photograph of the recipe/poem/artwork saved in word or as a PDF (one named page per contribution please). The recipes can be personalised with drawings in pencil or pencil crayon. Please say who they are by, first name and surname initial only please. * Front cover competition* A drawing of you / your family / the Labrador looking up feeling hopeful ... making, baking, mixing, creating yummy delights please, in pencil crayon or pencil only please. (No felt tips please). This information needs to be included for the front cover: 'South Tawton Lockdown Recipe Collection' 20th March - Summer 2020 The back cover will be a collage of front cover top entries. Please could all contributions be sent to Miss Chalcraft by 17th July please - [email protected] Kind regards, Peggy Chalcraft |
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