Children seemed to mature overnight for their transition mornings this Thursday. Staff were pleased to meet their upcoming class for September 2023 and children were excited to find out about their new routines and teachers. The new Reception cohort of 2023 met together for the very first time as a class and did a wonderful job of settling in already.
We thank you for your patience and understanding during the strike action and postponed sports day this week. With the end of term fast approaching, below is information about the final 2 weeks. Thursday 13th July- School Music Concert Mrs Dunn has organised a treat for everyone to come and enjoy this Thursday. Join the school on the field for a music concert featuring each class and individual musicians. This is a ticketed event, all proceeds for the school. If you would like to attend, please buy a ticket costing £3 per person to include a glass of non-alcoholic fruit punch and fruit kebab (children under school age can attend for free). See the email that was sent on Monday, which had a booking slip to complete, and order tickets by Wednesday morning at the latest. You can pass your slip and money in an envelope marked ‘music concert’ to your child’s class teacher. Bring your own folding chairs and rugs. Gates open at 12:45pm for an approx 1:15pm start. Friday 14th July – Summer Fayre and School Barbeque 3:30-5:30pm Our annual school barbeque and summer fayre will take place on the playground straight after school on Friday 14th. There will be stalls, ice creams and a barbeque for all the family to enjoy. Come along and support our school and the PTA. Friday 14th will also be a non uniform day at school. If you could bring donations of cakes, children’s books, teddies and draw prizes for the fayre to school this week that would be most appreciated. Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th July – Year 5 & 6 performance. Tickets will be available for these performances, see a separate email which will be sent in due course. Wednesday 19th July- Year R-6 Sports day. Everyone has their fingers crossed for dry weather so we can hold our sports day. The running times will be as planned previously. Bookings will be taken for either a school packed lunch or home picnic that day. Friday 21st July- Final day of the school year 9:15am Year 6 leavers assembly. Open to all parents and carers of Year 6 pupils. 2-3pm Preschool Teddy Bears Picnic and End of Preschool Graduation on the school field. Comments are closed.
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