Last week, we got the news we've been hoping to avoid: one of the pupils received a positive result for Covid-19. Since Wednesday, the year 6 class have been 'remote learning' while self-isolating. Four staff members, including myself, are also having to isolate. Wednesday saw a flurry of emails as we sent individual log in details for google classroom to each of the year 6 pupils and helped them to log onto the platform. Work for the children was published on the year 6 blog for Wednesday, but, since Thursday, Mrs Everett has provided all their lessons on the google classroom platform and the children have been completing their work and 'turning in assignments' for marking and feedback. Tomorrow morning, there will be a 'live lesson' at 9am for all year 6 pupils to attend. Before the children left school on Tuesday, we explained that they would need to be completing a full day of school remotely and would not be able to treat this time as a holiday. I'm delighted to say that the vast majority of pupils have risen beautifully to this challenge, are completing all work set each day and have handed in some excellent pieces of work. Well done, Year 6. We very much look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 7th December. Until then, please keep up the good work. As always, if there are any problems with technology or the google classroom platform, please let me (Mrs Marvin) know. If you need support with the work content, please email Mrs Everett. Key Stage 2 Hot Dinners Just a reminder that all children will be able to have hot dinners in school from tomorrow. Please book these for the week in advance through your school gateway accounts. Please remember that dinner choices are no longer taken during morning registration, but should be completed by parents in advance. Thank you for your support with this. Please could all parents ensure that they have made a booking on the system, even if it is for a home packed lunch - this helps us to know that everyone's choices are made and to ensure that no lunches are missed. The menu can be found here.
PTA NEWS We are holding our next PTA meeting via Zoom on Monday 30 November at 8pm. Please email Katie ([email protected]) if you would like to be included in the Zoom invitation. WREATH MAKING A massive thank you to everyone who bought a kit and joined the online Christmas wreath-making class on Friday evening - it was great fun, the kits were amazing (thank you to Hannah and Nan Passmore for the huge amount of work that went in to them) and the results were absolutely beautiful! They raised a fantastic £370 for PTA funds. VIRTUAL BALLOON RACE There is only one more day to buy and design your balloons ahead of the big launch from Harrods on Tuesday 1 December. Only £3 per balloon and national and local prizes to be won! ( BAG2SCHOOL We hope you may have had/will have a chance to sort through your wardrobes for unwanted textiles ahead of the collection on Thursday 3 December. Please bring your items in a bin bag and drop them in the staff car park by 9am on the day (please do not drop off before Thursday as there is nowhere to store them). Collection will be made between 9am and 1pm. Please spread the word, as anyone in the community can contribute, so do tell friends and family. Just a reminder of what to/not to include: What IS accepted: Good quality clothing Paired shoes Handbags Hats Bags Scarves and ties Jewellery Lingerie Socks Belts Soft toys Household linen Household curtains Household towels Household bedding. What is NOT accepted: Duvets and blankets Pillows and cushions Carpets, rugs and mats (including bath, shower and toilet mats) Soiled, painted, ripped or wet clothing School uniforms with and without logo Corporate clothing and workwear Textile off-cuts, yarns or threaded material PTA 100 Club This month's winners of the 100 Club were 1st 40 Ruth Murray 2nd 35 Katie Wright 3rd 69 Zena Balson There is a double draw in December so there will be six winners! New members of the 100 Club are welcome at any time. Please email the school office for a sign up form and confirmation of the subscription payable if you would like to join.
Wray Valley Trail
Lookig for something outdoorsy to do at the weekends or in the Christmas holidays? Mrs Bonnett recommends the Wray Valley trail for a lovely bike ride or dog walk. Comments are closed.
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