It's been business as usual this week with all classes settled and concentrating on their learning. KS1 have begun rehearsals for their Christmas production which we're all very excited about. On my learning walks around school and whilst visiting classes with governors and prospective parents, I'm always struck by the children's enthusiasm for talking about their learning and showcasing their work. I'm delighted not only with the progress being made, but also the positive relationships and happy pupils I observe. Thank you, everyone. Welcome Little BeaconsWe're delighted to announce that Little Beacon's Pre-school now have their own blog page so that you can now read their news each week as well as that of the other classes in school. Recently, the Little Beacons children have been learning how to keep safe around traffic. They have learnt a new song, Stop, Look, Listen, Think, and have practised walking next to and crossing the road. We look forward to hearing more about our youngest children and thank their new teacher, Silje Rodde-Aust, for contributing to the blog. SafeguardingIn assembly this week, we have been talking about online safety. The children have been encouraged to think about the word SMART as seen in the poster below to help them remember how to keep themselves safe. We take internet safety extremely seriously. We have an Online Safety Policy that provides guidance for teachers and children about how to use the internet safely. Every year group participates in lessons on e-safety and children understand how to stay safe when using technology. You may find the following links useful in helping your child to stay safe online at home:
PTA NewsA huge thank you to all the staff and parent volunteers and The Kings Arms for lending us the lights that made Friday's disco possible. A fantastic time was had with much exuberant knee sliding, singing and dancing. It was wonderful to see everyone having so much fun. We also want to thank all the children whose behaviour and sense of fun was brilliant! This is the last chance to book your place to make a Christmas Wreath, all orders need to be placed by Monday 29th November. There are very limited spaces available so please get in touch quickly! If you would like to join the fun here's how... 1. Pick a style for your wreath: Rustic, Glitzy or Traditional 2. Email [email protected] to order your kit by Monday November 29th. Use the subject ‘Christmas Wreath’ 3. Your kit will be sent home with your child on Friday 3rd December (or pick up/delivery by arrangement) 4. Join us on Friday 3rd December at 8pm via Zoom! Coloured HampersThe hampers are starting to fill up and are looking great!! We hope to share some photos of the hampers next week so please send in your donations as soon as you are able. Food, drink, toiletries, gifts - anything new and in the classes colour goes! The more creative the better! Preschool ….Pink Year R …. Blue Year 1 ….Yellow Year 2 …. Red Year 3 …. Orange Year 4 …. Gold / Silver Year 5 …. Purple Year 6 …. Green Please keep selling raffle tickets to family, friends and neighbours and remember to write on the back of raffle stubs the colour the hamper/s you/they would like to win. You can enter the raffle for as many hampers as you would like! Ticket stubs and money must be returned to your child's class teacher no later than Monday 13th December 2021. Remember - the coloured hamper which has the most tickets sold will receive a reward! More tickets are available from the PTA or School Office. The draw for the hampers will be on Wednesday 15th December 2021. Bags to School Do you have unwanted clothes, accessories, home linens or soft toys getting in the way at home? Why not donate them to our Bag 2 School collection?! Drop Off Site: The Pavilion, South Zeal Dates for Drop Off: Sunday 5th December ~ 4-5pm Monday 6th December ~ 3-4pm Tuesday 7th December ~ 8-9am See the attached poster for more info. Many thanks in advance for your support! Date of next meeting - Monday November 29th - all welcome! Email [email protected] to be sent the zoom link. Beacon Nativity ServiceAn invitation to you from Nazareth the donkey and friends! They will be attending our annual community Beacon Nativity to be held at St Andrew’s Church, South Tawton on Sunday 12th December at 4pm. As always, we need lots of shepherds and angels and also three kings to make the story happen. Do come along and join in the fun. Please email [email protected] for more information. Comments are closed.
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