We've had a lovely last week of term and have got ourselves right into the festive spirit despite some rather challenging circumstances! The week began with a wonderful performance of 'Hey You!' with all the nativity characters and some wonderful singing, dancing and acting too. Well done to years R, 1 and 2. We'd like to say a big thank you to Alex Thomas who filmed and edited the production so beautifully. Thank you to the many parents (and grandparents!) who have got in touch to say how much they enjoyed watching the performance online. Covid19 UpdateWe have everything crossed that the two weeks off for the holiday will be enough to give everyone a chance to get better so that we can be back to full numbers of pupils in school in January. However, if your child does become ill over the holiday, please do get a PCR test and report the result to me by emailing [email protected] I need to continue to report cases to the county council during the holiday and would also like to know how everyone is. The number of children isolating at the moment are as follows: Y2 - 1, Y3 - 1, Y4 - 11, Y5 - 2, Y6 - 7 We also have 3 members of staff who have had positive cases: Mrs Dennis Y2 and Silje and Sharon from pre-school. Happily, no one is feeling too ill and I'm sure you'll join me in wishing them all a speedy recovery. Christmas DinnerWe had great fun in our Christmas clothes at our Christmas dinner on Wednesday. Through the crackers, jokes, hats and music, some of the sprouts even got eaten! Bookings for next term's new menu from our new provider are now available on your school gateway accounts. Please encourage your children to try these new meals - I think they'll be pleasantly surprised! Carols and Christmas songsWe hope you managed to catch some of the singing the children performed this week. A very big thank you to Mrs Dunn for organising this, and to all the children and staff who worked hard to practice and perform so beautifully. ChristingleI can't pretend that our Christingle service on the playground wasn't a little chilly, or that the candles would stay lit in the wind, however, we made the most of what we could do and had a lovely service with plenty of readings, singing, an address from Rev. Mark and another treat Ukulele performance from Y6. Thank you all all the staff and pupils for taking part so fully in this and every event this term. It's been a wonderful term despite some disappointing cancelations and changes of plans due to Covid. Through it all, everyone has kept smiling, kept working, kept positive and kept looking after each other. I couldn't ask for any more from a school community and am so grateful to be a part of South Tawton Primary School. I wish you all the very best, happiest and healthiest Christmas possible and look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Wednesday 5th January. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!PTA News
We want to say a huge thank you to you all for supporting all our events this term. We've raised a fantastic amount which we will continue to use to further enrich our children's school experience. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Christmas Colour Hampers. This was an amazing event and we were so impressed by everyone's enthusiasm donating and selling tickets. Congratulations to Year 6 who sold an amazing 438 tickets!! With Year 1 not far behind! An incredible effort by everyone. The ticket sales have raised over £2000! Kings Arms Big Fat Quiz of the Year Our friends at the Kings Arms in South Zeal are having their big end of year quiz on Wednesday December 29th. This is always a really fun event for all and they have kindly chosen the PTA to be their benefitting charity this month. In exchange we really need a few volunteers to help out on the night, collecting in quiz sheets, counting up scores etc. If you can help, please get in touch at [email protected] ASAP. Easyfundraising Last minute Christmas shopping online? (And planning your January sale shopping online too?) Please don’t forget to use easyfundraising when making your purchases online. Nominate us as your chosen charity and retailers will donate a percentage of your purchase to us at no extra cost to you. Date of next meeting - Monday 10th January 2022- 8pm - all welcome! Email [email protected] to be sent the zoom link. Comments are closed.
March 2024
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