Our latest newsletter include information about Ethos committee, Spring Term Clubs, superhero fun in Year R, Sponsored fitness circuits, PTA news and more. Ethos committee The Ethos committee will meet on Wednesday 29th January from 3:00 – 3:30. All parents and local community members are welcome. The meeting will take place in the school hall. Please sign in in the main office. As we now have a governing body which covers the three Three Hares’ Schools, our ethos committee is a chance to discuss matters particular to South Tawton and can be considered as a parent forum meeting where you can have your say in about matters involving our school. Spring Term Clubs The following clubs are on offer this term:
Also available: Breakfast club with Ruth Elliott Mon-Thurs 7:45 – 8:40 Lunch Bunch with Mrs Donovan – by invitation
Sponsored Fitness Circuits
On Monday 3rd February, David Hill - a British Paralympian and triathlete - will be visiting our school to work with each class. Every child will be participating in a short fitness circuit and will have the opportunity to ask David questions during a special assembly. The fitness circuit will be sponsored and 60% of the monies will collected will come back to our school to spend on new PE equipment. The other 40% will go back into the scheme to allow other athletes to visit more schools to promote sport and physical activity. It would be fantastic to raise as much money as possible, so please encourage your child to take part and discuss the event. PTA news If you have any unwanted gifts that could be used for raffle prizes, then please donate them to the PTA at any time throughout the year and we will store them for use at the next raffle. Please leave them in the school office. Also, the Pre-School would welcome any donations of pre-loved suitable books to top up their stock. Please either drop them into the school office or at Pre-School. It is Year 4’s turn to run the cake sale this month. They will be selling cakes straight after school on Friday 31st January for 50p each Thank you all for the crisp packets you've been collecting over the past few months. So far they have raised over £40 for the school PTA, but more importantly they are being made into pellets for use in making recycled products. Please continue to drop your crisp packets in the box outside the school hall but remember empty, flat crisp packets only (no popcorn, nuts, sweet wrappers etc) and not folded into triangles. Thank you! Dates for your diaries (Please note that the highlighted dates have switched – the play will now be on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th with parents evening on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th) 03.02.20 - National Story Telling Week 11.02.20 - Safer Internet Day 14.02.20 – 2pm Open afternoon 17.02.20 – 21.02.20 February half term 09.03.20 + 10.03.20 Year R Parents Evenings 23.03.20 + 24.03.20 Y3/4 performance 25.03.20 + 26.03.20 Y1-6 Parents’ evenings 27.03.20 – 2pm Open afternoon 27.03.20 – Last day of spring term Comments are closed.
March 2024
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