Year 2 Wear something on your head for morning registration challenge!Week four has been fantastic in terms of everyone seeming to be settled into a good routine, with excellent attendance at online lessons and a good quality of work being submitted. Well done to everyone learning at home and in school - your efforts and support are greatly appreciated. Mrs Underwood has written a Three Hares Update which can be found on the Three Hares blog page or by clicking here. Many thanks to all those of you who have registered your consent for additional google services. If you have not yet done so, please log into your children's school gateway accounts and tick the consent box in the payments section. If you have any problems with this or would like any further information, please let me know. All families will have received an email on Friday with a link to our remote learning survey. Thank you to everyone who has already completed this for your lovely messages of support and thanks (alongside some constructive feedback and ideas for improvement.) I will be looking more carefully at results over the next week and will share some common threads with you in the next newsletter. If you have not yet filled in the survey, it can be accessed by clicking here. The survey closes at midnight tonight (Sunday 31st January). One item of feedback which we have heard several times is that families would like children to have some time to work collaboratively with their siblings and spend time away from their screens. In response to this, some classes initiated Screen Free Friday time last week. From the looks of the photos sent in, many families used this time to cook together with some stunning results.
Google classroom is working well for staff and pupils in KS2. One item which staff have asked me to mention is that they don't get notifications for comments and questions from parents or children. These comments can only be seen when the teacher opens the piece of work to mark and give feedback. When work is submitted late, any questions or comments may be missed - please be aware that they are not being ignored but work containing comments will need to be submitted on time to ensure that comments are seen. The Department for Education and DMAT are increasingly making additional devices such as tablets and Chromebooks available for pupils working at home. If you are having any difficulties juggling devices between siblings or your own work, please do let me know. [email protected] Ethos MeetingThe next meeting of our Ethos Group will be on Wednesday 10th February at 11:30am. I will email out a TEAMs link invite to everyone in the week before. Please do join the group and help shape the future ethos of our lovely school. A Message from SCARF (our Personal, Social, Health Education programme)Keeping Happy and Healthy During Lockdown 1st- 5th of Feb is Share your Scarf week – supporting Children’s Mental Health Week. We're giving your child's school extra SCARF at Home resources to promote children’s mental health by celebrating the SCARF values: SAFETY, CARING, ACHIEVEMENT, RESILIENCE and FRIENDSHIP. The theme for Children's Mental Health Week is Express Yourself! Being creative in any way - art, music, cooking, gardening - anything at all, really - boosts our mental health. Our current, restricted lives, often overloaded as we juggle work, home-schooling and the every-day tasks of caring for others, can affect our mental health, whatever our age. Finding a few minutes each day - or even each week - to do something creative, is as important as daily exercise. Here are some simple, creative activities that don't need a lot of equipment, just an imagination! Children and do these alone, or together with you! We'd love you to share your child's finished poster of the day on our Facebook page - or you can email us at [email protected] - to inspire others, sharing happiness - sharing your scarf! Click on each day to go to the activities. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Information for parents and carers before you start using the SCARF at Home activities Your child's school is sharing some activities with you to help keep children happy and healthy while they're at home. The activities support children's PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education and have been provided by the UK's largest children's charity specialising in children's health and wellbeing, Coram Life Education and SCARF. Coram Life Education and SCARF help schools to teach children valuable life skills needed to keep them happy, healthy and safe. SAINTS SW February Challenge
World Book Day CompetitionCan you help our local Beaver Scouts group? Whether you have a love of adventure and the outdoors, creating or crafting, or even just masses of enthusiasm and time to offer our energetic Beaver group, we would love to hear from you. Like everyone else, the Beavers can't wait to get back to doing fun things together and thinking ahead to the spring, are hopeful of being able to meet face-to-face again. However, the 1st South Zeal Beaver Scouts (boys and girls age 6-8 years old) are looking for a new Adult Assistant Leader to assist their current Beaver Leader. They normally meet every Tuesday night during term time and meetings take place in the Scout Hut in South Tawton. Please spread the word and help us to find a new volunteer (or feel free to share the role and volunteer with a friend) so that we can make it possible for them. Contact Nicki Glanville (GSL) [email protected] if you think you can help. School Games Skipping Challenge The #DevonVirtualGames has an exciting opportunity for all the family to get involved in a skipping challenge.
If you don’t have a skipping rope at home, don’t worry we want to offer you an incentive to join the challenge. Click on the link below to receive a maximum of 2 free skipping ropes per family delivered direct to your door Skipping Challenge Rope Incentive Form. There will be a choice of a Gold, Silver or Bronze challenge that consist of different elements like Single Bounce, Double Bounce, Run, Slalom skip and Speed Skipping to complete in sequence. If you are not sure what these are, head over to #DevonVirtualGames Skipping Tutorials with Dan the skipping man. He makes it simple and super easy to follow. The challenge opens on Monday 1st February when you will then receive an email with the full challenge details and how to record your results on our quick and easy survey monkey link. The overview for all events and the Terms and Conditions can be found on this link below, this is also where all the documents will be held. #DevonVirtulaGames Overview and Terms Conditions HERE Please join the conversations here on our Devon School Games Facebook group GOOD LUCK 😊 Comments are closed.
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