It's been a very strange term so far, but we're delighted that we'll be welcoming all the children back to school on Monday March 8th. Our risk assessment has been revised and can be found here. We're working hard to ensure that we have everything in place for a smooth and safe transition back to school. Please help us to avoid crowds at drop off and pick-up times by only arriving for your children's designated slot and leaving school lane promptly after. All timings will revert to those in place last term: Years 1, 3 and 6 will begin at 8:40 and be collected at 3:20. Years R, 2, 4 and 5 will begin at 8:50 and be collected at 3:30. Children will not be allowed on site before their allocated times and we will ask parents to wait well clear of the school gates if they arrive early. This is for the safety of the whole community. Please remember that, if you have children who have different start or finish times, you should arrive at school for the later of the two times. Hot dinners will be served from the 8th. The current menu can be viewed here. Please book all meals as soon as possible through your school gateway accounts. Bookings for breakfast club and the school bus are also now open and can be accessed through school gateway. World Book DayWorld Book Day will be on Thursday 4th March and we will also be celebrating it on Friday 5th March. There will be a dedicated blog post with lots more information, but here are three things you need to know in advance: 1. We will not be dressing up this year as so many children are learning at home. Instead, we would like all children to make a 'book nook.' More details will follow but, in the meantime, please save any cereal (or similar size) boxes. Every child will need one. 2. Remote learning on these two days will be different to the past few weeks. There may be some class live lessons, but most of the time will be spent on World Book Day activities that siblings and families can do together. 3. There will be virtual whole school assemblies on Thursday and Friday mornings at 9am. Links to these will be sent out via email. Our World Book Day blog post full of ideas and activities can be found here. Read the latest Devon Count Council update here.
Please help us to keep our pupils, staff, parents and extended families safe, by following the lockdown rules for each stage of the government's 'roadmap.' I'm receiving reports from some local residents that they are concerned that children and families from the school are not following the rules around families and children mixing. Please remember that, at the moment, individuals are only allowed to meet one other individual outside for exercise. A reminder of the current rules can be found here. Comments are closed.
March 2024
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