We've been making the most of the better weather this half term and enjoying lots of activities and events outside. Year R are hoping that their caterpillars will soon become butterflies, year 2 have been working together on the field to create team games for each other to enjoy and years 5 and 6 have recently been making the most of having Dartmoor on our doorstep to experience guided walks on Cosdon with a Dartmoor park ranger. More information on all these activities can be found on the class blog pages. Sports' DayWe have been lucky here in Devon with relatively low cases of coronavirus compared to other communities. However, we cannot avoid the reality that case numbers are now rising both across the country and in Devon. This week, schools in Devon, and within our DMAT, have had to isolate individuals, close bubbles, year groups and in some cases whole schools. The last thing we want to do is to increase the likelihood of this happening here at South Tawton. It is for this reason we have had to change our plans for the end of term and we will not be able to invite parents as spectators for sports' day. We just cannot take this risk. It would be awful to have to keep children at home again. While some parents have shown their support for the decision, others have aired their concerns and disappointment. Please do accept that this decision has not been made lightly. We have considered the size of the school, and potential risk before making this decision. Whilst we understand that some local schools are allowing spectators at their sports' days, these are much smaller schools where the number of children and staff present will be far less than at South Tawton. It is our intention to use our expertise and staffing to really focus on the children and ensure that they have a positive and enjoyable last few weeks here with safe events and celebrations. We are using social distancing so that we can keep safe in our bubbles whilst still feeling part of the whole school group. Staff will ensure that the children have an exciting and enjoyable sports' day experience with their peers, even though their parents will not be present. In terms of restrictions, we are still hoping that they will be lifted before the end of term so that we will be able to have live audiences at our Year 5/6 performance and Y6 Leavers' Assembly. Fingers crossed that this becomes possible. Sports' Day Part 2Weather willing, Sports' Day will take place on Tuesday 6th July. It would be really lovely if the children could wear a coloured T-shirt that matches their team colour. If possible, please can you send you child into school wearing the colour of their team. If you are unsure of which colour team your child is in, you can check with their class teacher. Please do not send the children in football shorts as this can cause problems with other children. As with any event at this time of the year, the children will also need sun cream, a hat, a water bottle, a jumper and a raincoat. Mask wearingSome parents have commented that they feel unsafe coming to the school gates when other parents are not wearing masks. Please continue to wear masks when dropping off and picking up your children. With case numbers rising so rapidly, this is particularly important. PTA Ice Lolly SalesUpdate from Devon County CouncilFor the latest Covid-19 response from Devon County Council, please click here.
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