Year 5 Climb up Cosdon Beacon Despite the very changeable weather conditions (lots of rain!), the Year 5 pupils displayed an amazing attitude and determination on their walk to the top of Cosdon Beacon. What we particularly admired in them, was their support and encouragement for one another. Well done everyone for being such supportive friends and for walking brilliantly. Our Ranger, Ian Brooker, provided us with really interesting facts about the history and geography of Dartmoor. We found out about the creation and moulding of it's granite rocks and about it's mining history. Ian also pointed out Dartmoor's mountains - do you know the name of the highest tor on Dartmoor? Meeting for Parents of South Tawton Primary School We would like to invite you to a meeting on Thursday 19th November at 6pm, where parents of the school will be able to hear from various school leaders. We would like to explore with you, our vision for the school, both in the short term and for the years ahead, as well as share some exciting new projects for school improvement. School Leaders attending include:
In current circumstances, the meeting will be held virtually on Microsoft Teams. You do not need to have an account, merely clicking the link to 'join the meeting' will enable you to participate in the session. Please be aware, that by joining the meeting, your name and or email address may be visible to other participants. The joining link was sent out by email earlier this week. There will be a 'chat' facility which will be monitored in order that your questions can be raised during the Q&A session. We will also ask you to 'sign in' with your name and child's name on arrival, in order that we have a register of attendance. If you have a question that you would like to raise in advance, please email the school administrator, who will collate a list in preparation for the meeting. I hope that you are able to join us and we look forward to seeing as many parents as possible on this occasion. Remembrance Day On Wednesday, Mrs Leslie lead a 2 minute silence and then members of Year 5 read Flanders Fields, whilst the other classes stood and observed the silence. We marked the 11th hour with a bell and heard the Last Post being played from the village Anti-Bullying Week This week (Monday 16th November to Friday 20th November) is National Anti-bullying week. Classes will take part in activities and lessons to highlight the importance of this. The Anti-Bullying Week organisers have worked with over 300 young people and 100 members of school staff to develop the theme for this year's Anti-Bullying Week. The Anti-Bullying Week 2020 manifesto for change is as follows: "This year, more than ever, we’ve witnessed the positive power that society can have when we come together to tackle a common challenge. Anti-Bullying Week is no different. Bullying has a long lasting effect on those who experience and witness it. But by channelling our collective power, through shared efforts and shared ambitions, we can reduce bullying together. From parents and carers, to teachers and politicians, to children and young people, we all have a part to play in coming together to make a difference. We’re all a piece in the puzzle, and together, we’re united against bullying." Children in Need Day The children (and staff) all thoroughly enjoyed wearing their pyjamas to school on Friday to raise money for Children in Need. Some parents even joined in and wore nightwear to work! So far, we have raised an amazing £202.43 for the cause. Thank you to everyone who took part and donated. We also had some amazing entries into our yellow photography competition as can be seen on this link. New Playground Markings Many of you will have seen new playground markings being installed on Friday. I'm hoping that they will bring a new lease of the life to our playground and that the children will have great fun using them. A big 'thank you' must go to the PTA for all their fundraising efforts and their support in helping this project go ahead. The two men who installed the markings travel the whole of Great Britain to produce playground markings. I'm delighted to say that they approached several members of staff throughout the day to express their admiration for the behaviour, attitude and manners of our pupils. Well done, everyone! Tempest Photographs Please pay for your photos online wherever possible (the details are on the order form), rather than sending envelopes into the office.
Virtual Balloon Race Have you bought your virtual balloon yet? Remember that the balloons will begin their flights on 1st December and need to be bought and customised before then. Click here for more information. More PTA news A big thank you to EVERYONE for the funds recently raised by the non-uniform day, autumn trail and cookery book - as well as helping to fund the new playground markings (which the children will be able to have fun with from tomorrow!), the money raised has also paid for an exciting set of phonics resources for the KS1 and pre-school children, including sound and picture cards, magnetic letters, ditty books and get-writing books. As we won't be able to hold our usual Christmas Fayre this year, it would be great if you could continue to support our alternative upcoming fundraisers: Make a Christmas Wreath - if you or anyone you know would like to take part, we need your orders by Monday 23 November please, as we need time to prepare the kits ahead of the event on Friday 27th at 8pm. Here's a reminder of the details: Buy a fantastic festive wreath-making kit, then join us on Friday 27th November at 8pm for a virtual Zoom class with expert instruction to create your wreath. HOW TO GET INVOLVED... 1. Pick a style: Rustic, Glitzy or Traditional 2. Email [email protected] to order your kit by Monday November 23rd. Use the subject ‘Christmas Wreath’ 3. Pay £15 via PayPal (or cash by arrangement) 4. Your kit will be sent home with your child on Friday 27th November (or pick up by arrangement) 5. Join us on Friday 27th November at 8pm via Zoom! Bag2School - we are pleased to announce that we have organised a clothes and shoe collection on Thursday 3 December.
Bag2School is the UK's leading textile recycler and the scheme helps raise much-needed school funds but also helps the environment by diverting unwanted textiles away from landfill. As well as fundraising it also raises the awareness amongst the children of the benefits and importance of recycling and reuse. By getting involved in this collection, you have an opportunity to sort though your cupboards and wardrobes and donate unwanted textiles in a bin bag. As separate email will be sent out to list what to include and what not to include. Donations are welcome from anyone in the community, so please tell grandparents, friends and neighbours, so that they can have a sort out too! Comments are closed.
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