In Science this week, Year 5 pupils have been finding out about friction. We've started our own investigation using newton meters to test which shoes would be best for climbing the slippy surfaces of an icy mountain. In DT, we 'lit the fire' and started some festive sewing ...
You can find the Year 5 homework here. The Balloon Rocket Investigation can be found here. You only need to read pages 1 and 2 of this document.
As ever, please continue with your daily reading and if you have any questions regarding this homework please don't hesitate to drop me an email. Many thanks Mrs Leslie Thank you so much to everyone for the wonderful poems you bought into school this week. They link so well to the walk we did last week and we were able to put them together for our wall display in the style of the book we have been reading 'Where My Wellies Take Me'. As part of the national Anti-Bullying Week this week, we have been talking about ways we can support each another in Year 5. Pupils discussed how important it was to talk about things, either to an adult or a friend, and that it wasn't a good idea to stand-by and watch unkind behaviour happening to someone else. We thought that the words to the song 'Lean on Me' by Bill Withers were an excellent message of friendship and solidarity. ![]() Lost Property. Do these belong to anyone? They've been lying around the classroom since last week and no one is claiming ownership! You can find the Year 5 homework here.
Apologies if your child didn't come home with their homework book this evening. We are still using their poems in our English lessons. We'll be finished with them tomorrow. Please let me know if this causes any problems. If your child has an IDL or Nessy account, can this take priority over homework please. Miss Bennett is looking at current usage of these accounts so it would be really good to keep up with all of the hard work you have done. Similarly, times tables practice can take priority over the Maths homework, just let me know if your child is doing this. Many thanks Mrs Leslie Wow, what an active week it's been! After our mammoth walk on Monday (I put the photos on the blog on Monday), pupils performed fantastically on Tuesday afternoon at the cross-country event organised by OCRA. They've also survived the regular Saints lesson on a Thursday as well as jumping along with Joe Wicks this morning to end his 24hr workout for Children in Need. I think you'll agree, they all looked fantastic in their PJ's!
Freddie's Mum kindly emailed me last night to let me know about this website: You can ask an astronaut a question or write a code to be tested in space! In case you fancy giving it a go. Have a lovely weekend everyone. You can find the Year 5 homework for this week here.
Please also continue to read every day. If you need any inspiration for the Poetry task, you could look at the photos from our Cosdon walk (see previous blog post) and have a look at these suggested websites: sDespite the very changeable weather conditions (lots of rain!), the Year 5 pupils displayed an amazing attitude and determination on their walk to the top of Cosdon Beacon today. What we particularly admired in them, was their support and encouragement for one another. Well done everyone for being such supportive friends and for walking brilliantly.
Our Ranger, Ian Brooker, provided us with really interesting facts about the history and geography of Dartmoor. We found out about the creation and moulding of it's granite rocks and about it's mining history. Ian also pointed out Dartmoor's mountains - can you remember the name of the highest tor on Dartmoor? Thank you so much to Dawn, Marie and Mrs Bonnett for your help and encouragement which enabled us to have a safe day out of class during these restrictive times. It's been a busy week back after half term and we're very impressed with how hard the pupils in Year 5 have worked this week. We started our new topic of 'Mountains' and have also been studying some of the poetry in Michael Morpurgo's book 'Where My Wellies Take Me'. Here are just a sample of the beautiful free-verse poems that have been written, inspired by the book. Beacon Walk on MondayWell, the forecast looks set to be a classic Dartmoor day on Monday (showers) but we're hoping to continue with our walk to the Beacon.
Pupils do not need to wear their school uniform on Monday, however could they please wear comfortable layers that will keep them warm. In addition could they please have with them: - waterproof footwear (wellies or hiking boots) - waterproof jacket and trousers (if you have them) - hat and gloves - a small rucksack for them to carry for the duration of the walk containing: a drink of water, a packed lunch with snacks (not sweets but chocolate or biscuits are fine) and an optional lightweight change of clothing (eg leggings and socks) in case they should get wet. Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Leslie and Mrs Bonnett I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing half term break. Please find the Year 5 homework for this week here. If you have any difficulties with the homework or would like a hard copy of it, please let me know. I am always happy for pupils to complete their work on a Thursday lunchtime in the 'homework club' in class. Proposed Beacon Walk: Monday 9th NovemberAs part of our Geography and English work this term, I am hoping to take the Year 5 pupils for a walk to the top of Cosdon Beacon on Monday 9th November. The aim is for the walk to be an enjoyable experience so it will be very dependent on the weather and any changes to the Covid restrictions.
Our local Dartmoor Ranger, Ian Brooker, will be guiding us on the walk and talking about the landscape and local history along the way. I will put further details onto the blog on Friday, however the plan is for us to leave school by 9.30am and return before 3pm. Pupils will need to have comfortable and waterproof clothing, including appropriate walking footwear (wellies or waterproof hiking boots). If you have any questions or concerns regarding this trip, please do not hesitate to drop me an email [email protected]. |
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