An exciting few weeks of terrific creative writing Inspired by ‘ Space ‘ and listening to Holst Planets!
Non fiction and research about NASA, writing as a journalist and learning about the hardworking and determined women in our book ‘ Hidden Figures’. Separating mixtures in Science- Exactly how do you like your squash and getting secure in Place Value in Maths. Well done Year 5’s for really applying yourselves and demonstrating such resilience too. The new Year 5’s have been no less than amazing- adapting to the new class, seating, personalities, subjects and enjoying the fabulous Literacy Tree texts ‘ Cosmic’ and ‘ Hidden Figures’.
It has been a real joy seeing the collaboration on each table as we work together on ‘ Place Value’ in Maths and Investigation ‘Top Secret’ photo’s left for us by NASA😉 Listening to the children, welcoming and introducing one another in French and Seeing their enthusiasm in PE has been inspirational . WOW ! So much to explore and learn this term…. Thank you for all of your commitment 😊 Year 5 have been learning about Harriet Tubman, the American abolitionist who helped those enslaved in America with over 13 successful rescue missions, the children have completed their biographies. In French this week the children demonstrated the power of active learning as we drew and labelled french clothes - listening, sharing, transcribing and choosing colours and designs. We have also been expanding our English grammar skills , creating beautiful spring pastel art. The Year 5's have also been inspirational to us all with fabulous spring poems in our Easter assembly! Year 5's have had the most exciting few weeks creating outstanding book nooks for all to enjoy- transporting ourselves into a world of books creating our favourite literary characters. What greater comfort is there than to accompany our friends on such a journey into stories . Boosting cognitive and emotional abilities, sharpening our thinking skills, developing our inner strengths we nurtured optimism and also began writing our own works of fiction. Active , multisensory maths , reducing frustration , cognitive load , increasing neuroplasticity & developing concentration & focus - these activities enable children to learn through joy and creativity. Helping create strong memories these games support learning & stimulate various areas in the brain . Creating " hooks" to help children retain knowledge, they also allow children to explore working in different teams and try new friendships..... We have so many highlights so far this term so to choose items for the blog was difficult! In Design Technology, the children have been transferring their new multiplication, literacy and communication skills, and have learned about the mechanisms needed to make a pop up book. They have been creating design briefs , identifying criteria and developing their prototypes, these amazing inventors have progressed from sharing ideas in teams to making individual pop up stories. Well done to all of you! Year 5 enjoyed a fun morning in the forest school area with Year 6 on Monday morning. It was a beautiful morning for some team-building games on the field followed by a hot chocolate and a sing-song around the fire.
Well done to all pupils in Year 5 for behaving impeccably at the school panto trip on Wednesday. It was a wonderful day out and it was a pleasure to go the theatre with you all. Thank you so much to Kate from Proper Job in Chagford for coming into school last week and helping Year 5 make sustainable wreaths. They all look amazing and it was very helpful for us to think about ways in which we can be sustainable over Christmas. Thank you.
Children In Need Day
Year 5 came to school today dressed as 'something they want to be when they are older'. They all made a super effort and I was very lucky to have the help of a new supply teacher 'Miss Kite' too! Well done everyone. In English this week, we have been role-playing the characters from 'Hidden Figures'. We have also used superlatives to describe how the women must have felt when they got moved to the IBM computer room.
In Book Club, we are reading Cogheart by Peter Bunzle. Pupils came up with some amazing adjectives to describe the mechanimal 'Malkin'. |
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