Wow! Well done to Year 5 for your sponsored read today. In total, the class read 5,215 pages. That's pretty good going in 2 hours! Amazing reading everyone, well done.
Sponsored Read-a-thon: Don't forget that the Year 5 sponsored read is on Monday.
Online communication![]() In computing we learnt about the importance of having a strong password, one that contains: - at least 15 characters - symbols - numbers - lowercase letters - uppercase letters Pupils also came up with a very good list of tips for staying safe online from negative behaviour: Year 5 and 4 had fun (separately, in our bubbles) building dens in Outdoor Learning on Friday morning. There were some impressive Maya glyphs decorating their sheets. We even managed to defy the rain and wet by building a decent camp fire to warm us (and our hot chocolates) up! On Monday, Year 5 enjoyed a performance about life in Devon during World War 2, by the Med Theatre. It was fantastic to have the actors in the hall and to see a live show.
In topic, we began the lesson with a 10-minute challenge to build a Maya temple with Lego. I think they did a pretty impressive job! In Topic, we continue to learn about the Mayan Culture and this week we have looked at how the Maya used to trade. Pupils created their own strategy game based on the goods that were traded by the Maya. There were some impressive game boards and very well thought-out rules to each game. Well done everyone.
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