n English this week, Year 5 have been writing algorithms for a video game quest story. It was a tough challenge but it was good fun listening to their stories today, there were some excellent examples of fronted adverbials too! Well done.
Below are a few photos from our work in class this week. In Science we made pocket-sized solar systems and used a 'bendy pencil' experiment to discuss how we use evidence to prove our scientific theories. In Topic, we found out where the Elizabethan and Tudor periods fit into the 'bigger picture' of British Monarchs, everyone created impressive timelines. Next week I have organised for the class to have two interactive workshops: Monday 21st September - ESERO will be hosting a webinar on 'Our Place in Space' Wednesday 23rd September - The National Archives are hosting a workshop for us on Images from the Tudor Period. Both should be interactive and fun webinars. Homework will be sent home next Wednesday, this will be posted on the blog. If anyone has any worries or problems with getting their homework completed, I will be offering a drop-in session on a Thursday lunchtime to help with it. Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Leslie & Mrs Bonnett Comments are closed.
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