Please read out loud and discuss the text every day for 15 minutes. The book can be either a school book or one from home. Science: We have been looking at reflective materials and mirrors this term; I would like you to look around and record some of the more unusual usages for either of these. We will share you findings in class on Monday. Maths: I have attached a maths activity to practise your addition. You could play the “dice game” with your family and see how quickly you reach 50 or 100. If you have a Nessy and / or IDL Account please continue to use this instead of the work above, daily if possible. Please complete the work in your homework book; this should take no longer than 45 minutes. Can you please bring your books back into school on Monday morning? Reading:
Please read out loud and discuss the text every day for 15 minutes. The book can be either a school book or one from home. Wider Curriculum: This week is friendship week and we have been discussing and celebrating our differences. With this in mind, I would like you to write something positive about members of your family, your friends and yourself against each letter of the alphabet. Maths: I would like you to practise column addition, I have attached 3 sheets; you only need to complete one. Pick one that will challenge you. Bronze Silver Gold If you have a Nessy and / or IDL Account please continue to use this instead of the work above, daily if possible. Please complete the work in your homework book; this should take no longer than 45 minutes. Can you please bring your books back into school on Monday morning? Reading: Please read out loud and discuss the text every day for 15 minutes. The book can be either a school book or one from home. Geography: Our focus this half term is Greece, today we have been creating a Greek Fact File. I would like you to choose a country, excluding Greece, and create your own fact file. You can present it as a poster, presentation or in your homework book. Maths: Please complete this workbook, there is no need to print the document, you can just write the number sentences and answers in your homework book. If you have a Nessy Account please continue to use this instead of the work above, daily if possible. Please complete the work in your homework book; this should take no longer than 45 minutes. Can you please bring your books back into school on Monday morning? Reading: to read out loud and discuss the text every day for 15 minutes. The book can be either school book or one from home. History: “Remember, Remember the 5th of November. Gunpowder, treason and plot…” Guy Fawkes is the man we think of on Bonfire Night in the UK. We even burn “Guys” on the bonfires. So who is he? Please use this information sheet to create a fact file about Guy Fawkes. Maths: This is a word problem sheet related to bonfire night. Can you solve these problems and create one of your own? If you have a Nessy Account please continue to use this instead of the work above, daily if possible. Please complete the work in your homework book; this should take no longer than 45 minutes. Can you please bring your books back into school on Monday morning? |
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