In science today, the children conducted an investigation into the best way to slow down an ice cube from melting. They thought about their learning about thermal conductors and insulators and put this to the test. It turns out, a well-wrapped up ice cube will melt more slowly!
Please log in and complete Y6 - Perimeter, Area and Volume (A) Please log in and complete Apostrophes and Plurals (B) Spellings Homophones morning / mourning proceed / precede aisle / isle Words ending in -cial and -tial official special crucial essential confidential Words from the Year 5 and 6 statutory list bruise criticise language pronunciation secretary Spellings
Words ending in -ance/-ancy importance distance brilliance tolerance vacancy Words ending in -ence/-ency independence difference confidence excellence frequency Words from the Year 5 and 6 statutory list category foreign interrupt recognise rhythm Please log in and complete Y6 Statistics (A) Please log in and complete Relative clauses The Year 6 hoodies arrived this week and the children love them! A big thank you to Ruth and Tamsen for organising the order.
Class news: We're ticking off the Maths topic at the moment, having focused on Algebra and Statistics recently. Top work to Year 6 for making good progress! In English, we are looking at writing formal letters based on a parody of the Three Little Pigs. Who was guilty... the wolf or the pigs? There were some great drama scenes in History this week, when the class acted out Rosa Parks' protest during which she refused to give up her seat on a bus. We are also writing diary entries in role as Rosa. Science has involved learning about heat transfer and thermal equilibrium. I'm looking forward to SATs club - this will run on a Thursday after school each week. Please sign up the usual way. Spellings w.b. 27.01.25
Words ending in -ant assistant important pleasant brilliant hesitant Words ending in -ent independent excellent confident obedient frequent Words from the Year 5 and 6 statutory list harass profession signature stomach twelfth Maths Please complete questions 5-9 in the Algebra booklet. This can be found on the Year 6 blog on the school website. You do not need to print the booklet and can complete the questions on any paper you have. Please bring in by next Monday and your homework will be marked. You will receive a Dojo point for completing your homework. Please log in and complete Apostrophes and Plurals (A) (10 questions) Spellings: Words ending in -able -ably reliable enjoyable comfortable remarkably reasonably Words ending in -ible -ibly terrible flexible sensible responsibly incredibly Words from the Year 5 and 6 statutory list accompany available immediate parliament relevant Maths Please complete questions 1-4 in the Algebra booklet. Please log in and complete Passive and Active (A) (10 questions) Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely and restful break. It’s been a strong start to the new term, even with last week’s snowy interruptions.
This week, in Maths, we began our work on Ratio. The children have been learning how to compare quantities and use ratio to solve real-world problems. In English, we’ve started reading The Wind in the Wall, a gothic horror story full of suspense. The children have been using figurative language like similes, metaphors, and personification to create eerie and atmospheric writing of their own. Our topic in History this term is Civil Rights, and we’ve been exploring life in 1950s America. The children have had thoughtful and empathetic discussions about the challenges people faced and the importance of equality and justice. In Science, we’re investigating heat and how it affects particles. The children learnt how heat causes particles to move faster and spread out, and linked this to real-world purposes. In Computing, we’ve been working on coding and game design using Scratch. The children have impressed me with their creativity as they build and debug their own games. This week, Year 6 completed their practice SATs. I’m so proud of their effort and focus throughout the tests. It’s great to see the progress they’re making as we work toward the real assessments in May. I will be running a SATs homework club on a Thursday after school. Please see the school newsletter for further details of this. I am also holding a SATs parents information evening on Tuesday 28th January at 3.30pm. Please come along to find out information about the tests, what they look like, how you can help your child prepare etc. Thank you for your continued support – I’m looking forward to another exciting and successful term! Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. Maths: Please complete the ratio booklet. Please complete 'subject verb agreement' Spellings: Adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words ending in -fer: -r is doubled in words like "referring" or "preferred" when the stress is on the final syllable of the base word. When the stress isn’t on the final syllable (e.g., "offer"), the -r remains single. referring preferred transferring deferred offering Prefixes misunderstand irregular autograph disagree unnecessary Words from the Year 5 and 6 statutory list average conscience especially occur prejudice It’s been another busy and productive few weeks in Year 6, and with only 1 week to go until the Christmas holidays, here are some recent learning highlights:
✍️ English In English, we’ve been writing newspaper reports inspired by The Last Bear by Hannah Gold. The children have produced fantastic articles about what happened to April (the main character). Year 3 have also also writing newspaper reports so we spent some time sharing writing together. ➗ Maths Our focus in Maths has been on decimals and percentages. We’ve explored how to convert between them, solve real-life problems, and understand their practical uses. The children have shown great perseverance as they tackled increasingly challenging tasks. 🏗️ D.T. Our D.T. lessons have been hands-on as we’ve been designing and building model playgrounds. The children have carefully planned their designs, thought about safety and functionality, and worked collaboratively to bring their ideas to life. Have a look at the pictures below. 🎶 Music In Music, we’ve been learning about and analysing film music, from understanding how composers use instruments to create mood, to discussing themes in iconic movie scores. 🌍 In Geography, we’ve been learning about population. The children have explored population density, population pyramids, and the challenges of growing and ageing populations. The children have really risen to the challenge and expectations of being in Year 6 this term, and I'm looking forward to all that the spring term has to bring! |
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January 2025
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