In Art Year 1 have been recreating Charles Rennie Mackintosh's art deco roses using water colour paints. We learnt how to create different shades using the watercolour paints resulting in thoughtfully created beautiful paintings. Over the coming weeks we will be recreating these roses in different media, including using tissue paper to create stained glass pictures.
In art this week, we reminded ourselves of Piet Mondrians work. We used strips of black paper and coloured rectangles to explore creating our own masterpieces.
The perfect start to our Weather topic! Its not often we start talking about the cold temperatures of winter and possibility of snow. Voila! The snow arrives. We enjoyed watching the weather forecasts filmed on the snow day, thank you.
In computing we have used and had a go at typing: changing font, size and colour. What a way to start the count down to Christmas. This week has seen the pantomime. A treat for us all, lots of laughing and singing. The children were impeccably behaved and a credit to you all. Wednesday saw our Christmas dinner day. Thursday we shared our Christmas songs with the parents and the children sang their hearts out.
We wish you all a very happy Christmas and will see you on Tuesday 7th January 2025! Our final computing lesson this term, we learnt about the artist George Seurat. We looked closely at his picture and realised he had used dots. We learnt this was all pointillism artwork. The children we all challenged to use the computer on to create their own pointillism master piece.
Our DT project this term has been making a windmill. We've enjoyed exploring our design skills to create our own model windmills.
We discussed making our structures stable, it took at lot of lung power to decided that the cup needed to be a certain way up and we needed to add weight to stop it from moving. We used our cutting skills to make our sails and looking at whether the length of the sails impacted the weight. Combining the structure and the sails became the real challenge. Lots of head scratching and frustration meant a class discussion on how we could improve and adapt our windmills to work. The class worked really hard and rose to the challenge. What an amazing performance! Mrs Goodwin and I are so incredibly proud of the hard work the children put into their dance and singing. My favourite part of a performance in front of parents is watching each individual child's personality shine out on stage.
We loved having the parents in the class, instead of a book look, we enjoyed sharing our new computing skills. We were using our new skills to recreate a Wassily Kandinsky master piece. We also had a story time with those parents who were able to come in to see us.
This term we are using challenging ourselves to using '' to practise using shapes and lines to make pictures. We looked at the artist Piet Mondrians work and tried to independently recreate our own versions. What do you think?
We have been looking at pictures to identify all our hidden 2D shapes.
What shapes can you find with your adults? |
AuthorWrite something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. Archives
January 2025
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