9:00 - Start your day with 'work out one' a quick 10 minute blast with Saffron and Adam. www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/watch/bp-feel-good-fitness?xtor=CS8-1000-[Discovery_Cards]-[Multi_Site]-[SL08]-[PS_CBBC~N~~P_FeelGoodFitness] 9:30 or 10:00 - Live Phonics with Miss Rowe or Mrs Dennis 10:30 - snack and play 11:00 - RE - Watch these two short video clips about Shabbat – a special time for Jewish people. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zs2hyrd An introduction to Shabbat https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z3hyr82 Celebrating Shabbat in a Jewish home Why do Jews celebrate Shabbat? What time of the week is Shabbat? What can you remember what happens, or doesn’t happen during Shabbat? Which words connect the Shema to what happens at Shabbat? 12:00 - Lunch 13:00 - Live Register and Maths - Fact families Dive deeper If you are unable to make the live lesson, you can find the PowerPoint with questions here. 14:00 - Children's mental health week - Use the following link to read the story Ruby's Worry. Click here to view the activities for Ruby's Worry. Please, only do the activity for today. 15:00 - Live storytime Timetable
9:00 - *Live Register and Bingo 9:30 or 10:00 - Live phonics with Miss Rowe or Mrs Dennis 10:30 - Snack and play 11:00 - Maths vimeo.com/497920336 Related facts worksheet Dive deeper 12:00 - Lunch Screen Free Friday Afternoon This afternoon I would like children to have a 'screen free' afternoon. They can use this time to get creative in the kitchen, have a go at some artwork, spend some time outdoors, play their favourite sport or board games or spend time with family. The only direction I will be giving the children is to avoid activities that involve the television, computers or iPads etc. I would love to see some pictures of what you get up to! Enjoy your afternoon! Timetable
9:00 - www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks1-maths-counting-with-john-farnworth/zbct8xs 9:30 or 10:00 - *Live phonics with Miss Rowe or Mrs Dennis 10:30 - Snack and play 11:00 - Maths - vimeo.com/497919984 Subtraction Questions 11:30 - Independent learning 12:00 - Lunch 13:00 - *Live Register and History - Timelines - Ordering events in our life into chronological order. Before the lesson please think about/prepare (rough) dates of 3-5 significant events in your child's life, for example, date of birth, first day of pre-school, first day of school, house move, new sibling or pet, first holiday etc. 13:30 - DT - Design a bridge - Think about the bridge types we researched last week, or look again if you have forgotten. Can you draw and design a bridge? Label your drawing and think about what materials you could use to make your bridge next week. Design sheet 14:00 - Independent learning Optional: Book Talk Activities Timetable
9:00 - Funky Fingers - Pencil practise - Fold your paper into 6 or 8 sections. Use a writing pencil or colouring pencils (not pens) to create a different pattern or shapes in each box. Think carefully about holding your pencil correctly and writing/drawing neatly. Can you use different size shapes? Look at this example for ideas. 9:30 or 10:00 - *Live Phonics with Miss Rowe or Mrs Dennis 10:30 - Snack and break 11:00 - Maths vimeo.com/497919464 Subtraction worksheet Dive deeper - Can you create some of your own subtraction questions? 11:30 - Independent learning 12:00 - Lunchtime 13:00 - 13:15 - Reading - By yourself or share a book with someone. 13:30 - Live PE with Saints - Zoom link to follow 14:15 - Independent learning 15:00 - * Live Storytime Optional: Book Talk Activities Timetable
9:15 - Handwriting 9:30 or 10:00 - *Live phonics with Miss Rowe or Mrs Dennis 10:30 - Snack and play 11:00 - Maths - vimeo.com/492198226 Worksheet 11:30 - Independent learning 12:00 - Lunch and play 13:00 - *Live register, Maths feedback & Dive deeper. Please bring your answers from this morning. 13:30 - Science - Everyday materials - Paper bridge investigation 14:15 - Independent learning Optional: Book Talk: Activities for the week Timetable
9:30 or 10:00 - Live Phonics with Miss Rowe or Mrs Dennis. 10:30 - Snack and play 11:00 - Maths - Watch the lesson using the following link vimeo.com/492197096 and complete the worksheet. 11:30 - Independent learning 12:00 - Lunch and play 13:00 - *Live Register and Maths feedback and a dive deeper - Bring your answers from the worksheet this morning, we will look through our answers and then have a go at a dive deeper together! 13:30 - RE - PowerPoint Mezuzah Template 14:00 - Independent learning 15:00 - *Live story Optional: Writing - Can you draw a picture and write about your weekend? Don't forget to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Book talk activities for the week Brunel - Brilliant Bridges! The children have loved learning about different types of bridges and helped Miss Rowe with her jelly bridge problem. After research and discussion about material properties, the children decided that a bridge made out of jelly would not be a good idea and materials that are stronger such as metal, wood, stone and brick would be better. Noah even took it one step further and decided to test out the theories by making a jelly bridge, he said it wasn't very strong at all! In art we finished our bridge silhouette landscapes and I think they look wonderful! The children carefully considered the type of bridge they would use and chose their medium to create it, we had paint, collage, oil pastel and more! Well done, Year One! Another fantastic week of learning! Timetable
9:30 or 10:00 - *Live Phonics with Miss Rowe or Mrs Dennis Writing - Use your story mountain/map/plan to write your story of The Bridge. Think about using full sentences with capital letters, full stops and finger spaces! I am so excited to read your stories and find out what happens to your characters!! 10:30 - Snack and play 11:00 - Art - Use your landscape from last week and add a bridge silhouette. You could cut strips of paper and make a collage, or carefully sketch a bridge using pencil and then trace over with a black pen or paint. Think about the types of bridges you researched this week. Here are some bridge silhouettes to inspire you. www.google.com/search?q=bridge+silhouette&rlz=1C1GCEA_en&sxsrf=ALeKk01s7pSorjrwjGuyl5ILPACHn9i_lA:1611264783206&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjXv6qI_a3uAhWioFwKHcOkCvkQ_AUoAXoECBIQAw&biw=1366&bih=657 11:30 - Independent learning 12:00 - Lunch and play 13:15 - *Live Register and Maths Before the lesson, please watch this episode of number blocks - www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0005y9r/numberblocks-series-4-balancing-bridge Worksheet Dive deeper PowerPoint 14:00 - Golden time! 15:00 - Live Bingo!! Timetable
9:30 or 10:00 - * Live Phonics with Miss Rowe or Mrs Dennis Writing - Story planning! Use the story mountain template or create your own to draw pictures and 'map out' your version of the bridge story. Remember to include the new character you created yesterday. Think carefully about how the story might be different this time or what part your character is going to play. Does your character help the animals to cross the bridge safely? Is your new character in the story instead of the bear and the moose? What is going to happen... use pictures to plan your story. Think about beginning, build up, problem, resolution and ending. 10:30 - Snack and play 11:00 - Maths (not live) - Number bonds within 10 game - Game - If children write their sums down in a systematic order it will help them to see (and reinforce) the pattern. As always, please continue to practise number bonds on hit the button for rapid recall. 11:30 - Independent learning 12:00 - Lunch and play 13:15 - *Live Register and Computing - de-bug an algorithm 13:45 - Independent learning 14:30 - SCARF - Who can help? Lesson discussion Activity Timetable
9:15 - *Live Register 9:30 or 10:00 - *Live Phonics with Miss Rowe or Mrs Dennis. Writing - Character Innovation - Can you create a new character for the Bridge story. Draw a picture, give your character a name and label adjectives to describe. Use your imagination your character can be anyone/thing you like. 10:30 - Snack and play 11:00 - Maths (not live) - 2 options! 1) If you did not complete number bonds to 20 yesterday, please use your Numicon to explore the remaining number bonds - remember we were looking at systematic number bonds (going in order). 2) If you completed number bonds to 20 with Numicon yesterday watch the following video and complete the worksheet. vimeo.com/490882337 - Dive deeper - Create your own sums. You could roll 2 dice, add the dots and write a sum or use your printed Numicon to create addition sums. **Please continue to practise number bonds to 10 and 20. It is really important for the children to begin to develop a rapid recall. topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button 11:30 - Independent learning 12:00 - Lunch and play 13:30 - PE - *Live with Saints 14:15 - Independent learning 15:00 - *Live story |
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