Dear Parents,
Please follow this link for the Year 4 Homework for this week. The homework will be set every Wednesday, to be completed in homework books. Homework will be due in on a Monday usually, but as they are late coming home, collection day will be Tuesday next week. We will mark and go through the homework together in class. Electrical Safety in YOUR home link This week, there is a spelling recap, two small maths questions for place value that consolidates work we have been doing this week and a Science question. If your child has a Nessy or IDL account, please make this a priority and this can take pace of homework, or be an addition if you feel you would like to. Any questions please ask, as always reading everyday is encouraged and if you need any book reviews let me know and I can send some home. Thank you so much, Miss Chalcraft, Miss Bennett and Mrs White Comments are closed.
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