Here are some photos sent in from Year R families showing a variety of activities they have been enjoying during our first week of home learning. We hope you enjoy looking through the slideshow and spotting some ideas and familiar faces. During our topic this half term we have discussed how some animals can camouflage to their surroundings in order to hide from predators or sneak up on their prey. Check out this website to see some amazing camouflaged animals... you'll have to look carefully, they are tricky to spot. We such a great time at Paignton zoo last week, maybe you would like to see some of the animals at Chester zoo? Visit the Chester Zoo Facebook page to enjoy their virtual tour. Today's letter sound is oo (poo at the zoo!). Click on the link below to practise this sound and recap on previous ones. Thank you for all your comments and photos this week. Glad to hear you have been enjoying the weather, learning outdoors and keeping active.
Here are some of the class keeping fit: Here is the link to today's set 2 letter sound session with the sound 'ow' (blow the snow) and recapping others. Enjoy the session. Good Morning Year R. It was an early morning on the farm today, but I'm pleased to show you our first calf of the year. This is Berry, she was born a few hours ago and is now starting to stand up on her own. Welcome to the world Berry!
You can always email me your springtime photos or pictures, we would love to see them. Good morning everyone! In the absence of me teaching your children a new letter sound with Fred and Croaker in class your child can now learn online instead. We use the Read, Write, Inc scheme and they are posting daily letter sound lessons, 13 minutes long, to practise and revise the sounds I have taught so far and introduce new ones. Today's lesson, via Youtube, is recapping the 'igh' sound and it is a great revision of the other special friends we have learnt this term.
Please follow the link and let your child join in with this so they keep on track with their phonics. It is also good for parents to see how it is taught in class too. After watching the clip children could have a go at writing some words containing the new sound or make them with their letter sound cards. This week is recapping and then we will start introducing new sounds. I hope your children enjoy their daily set 2 speed sound lesson with Rosie (she has a Fred frog too- just like us!). You can always recap on the set 1 sounds too from the same webpage. Here's the link for todays lesson: Here are some of the lovely 3D shape ideas children in Year R have been sharing.
They have been making, sorting, colouring and finding shapes. Below are the clips to help you learn more about 3D shapes, their names and properties. These are strange times and someone might need one of these.
Childline: 0800 1111 Samaritans: 116 123 Domestic Violence Hotline: 0808 2000 247 Mind: 0300 123 3393 Age UK: 0800 169 6565 La Leche League: 0345 1202918 (for mums struggling to get formula milk) There are lots of organisations out there offering help if it is needed. Please don't hesitate to call them. |
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January 2025
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