Here we are at the end of our first half term at school! What a wonderful time we have had and how well the children have settled and socialised with each other. Well done everyone. This last week we have been thinking about 'all things autumn' and this will continue the week after half term too. We have been making patterns and art work in the style of artist Andy Goldsworthy. It would be great to see any that you can create at home too. Here are a few images to give you ideas. We have also read and acted out the story of Rosie's Walk. It is a good way to use positional language with children. Here is a link to hear the story and some photos of the week. What fun we had in our forest area for outdoor learning! We had an autumn themed treasure hunt, decorated medals and created our own autumn wreaths. We finished off our session around the camp fire with hot chocolate and a well deserved biscuit. Tilly made delicious apple crumble for us all to enjoy with our school dinners. Thank you Tilly. Children have enjoyed making friendship bracelets by twisting colourful threads. To compare with the Christian baptism last week, we held an Aqiqah ceremony to welcome a new Muslim baby. We learnt that the baby's hair is cut and weighed and prayers are said to Allah. Honey was put on the baby's lips and a prayer was whispered in her ear.
Following our daily Read, Write Inc sessions, the children are doing a great job at practising their letter sounds in a range of ways. Here they are with some examples of their sounding out, reading and writing this week.
It was libraries week this week. We were lucky enough to have our end of the day story read especially for us by Ellie from Okehampton Library. We could see and hear her on our class interactive board. She read us the story 'The Runaway Pea', which we all enjoyed. At the end of the day we all had our own copies of the storybook to take home from the Book Trust 'Time to Read' scheme. Here is a link to the story: To end the week we enjoyed an afternoon session of sports with Sue and Jazz from OCRA. With Sue we practised ball control and body balances and Jazz taught us dance moves.
We have been learning about how different people welcome their babies after being born.
We held our own Christian baptism; Lowri and Jack were the parents, Genevieve and Leo were the godparents. We put the sign of the cross on baby's forehead and poured the water over her head. Hester shared her family Christening gown. In class this week we pretended with our own baby clinic, baby bath and practised putting on nappies. We shared photos of us as babies, it was fun guessing who was who. We have talked about our feelings during circle and story times. We have also made dream catchers, worry dolls and emojis this week.
This week we have had lots of opportunities to create, build and learn with shapes. We have been learning to name the flat shapes, talk about their edges, corners and how they are different. |
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January 2025
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